Here is the break down so far... I hit a brick wall with Redbox, DVDPlay, and DVDXpress in my effort to become "the next DVD Rental Kiosk Millionaire". I also learned along the way that I would prefer my machine to dispense the New Release Movies in their original cases, to help with the Sell-Through Process (check previous posts for explanation).
I was not ready to give up, so I continued my Google Search for any company that would at least consider the option of selling me a DVD Rental Kiosk. Then I came across a company called DVDNow. Honestly, I was not to optimistic that this company would be any different than the rest, but my interest was peaked when I saw an "Opportunity" button. I clicked the button and read through 3 or 4 paragraphs about why the DVD Kiosk industry was up and coming, and why it is going to generate billions of dollars, all things I had read before. Then I read...."The DVDNow automated rental kiosk enables entrepreneurs to capitalize on the $20 billion DVD industry by allowing them to participate in this soon to explode market. With our program, independent operators are able to establish a network of state of the art DVD rental terminals in locations such as grocery and convenience stores, fast food restaurants and large apartment/condo complexes."
Hot Dog!!! I think we have a winner!! I thought to myself "Please God let this be a legitimate company and not some fly by night scam" I continued over to the product page to learn about their machine. It did not hold as many discs as some of the competitors, mainly because it dispensed the movies in their ORIGINAL CASES. YESSSS!!!!!!!! As you can tell by my over use of exclamation points, I was getting a little over excited at the prospect of finally, possibly, finding what I had been searching for. I quickly read through the rest of the website and Frequently Asked Questions. Nothing jumped out at me as a red flag, so I circled DVDNow on my notepad, and continued my search. I wanted to continue my search to see if I could come up with any other companies that could compete with DVDNow.
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thought you'd might like to see that. I'm a faithful reader of your blog, keep em' comin! I'm thinking about getting into this as well.
Thanks for the comment. I am pretty new to this blogging thing, and it is super cool to know that you are keeping up with my blog. Totally Awesome!!!
I a going to add you to my blog list so visitors can hop over and check out your blog too.
So what ever came of your DVDNow ventures? I'm looking into in myself now and would love to hear some more feedback from you about this.
I listened to one of their webinars and was charged 47.00 in International charges. When I called the 800 number they were trite, called me dear and told me those were charges from my cell phone company. Let's just say we won't be investing in a company that is so unprofessional on the front end. They should have disclosed the charges on the front end. Very unprofessional in my opinion and from the research we did...not that profitable per machine per month
I listened to one of their webinars and was charged 47.00 in International charges. When I called the 800 number they were trite, called me dear and told me those were charges from my cell phone company. Let's just say we won't be investing in a company that is so unprofessional on the front end. They should have disclosed the charges on the front end. Very unprofessional in my opinion and from the research we did...not that profitable per machine per month
You want a red flag, try that awful commercial they've been airing...
DVDNow has ripped me off. They are OVERCHARGING for their movies. I rented a movie for $2 for the night. I was also charged a separate fee of $3.25. This has happened on all 3 rentals I have made with them. And I have returned all of the movies on time. I am awaiting a return call from them to explain this. :-/
I would not recommend that anyone purchase a DVD Kiosk from DVDNow. I purchased 6 of these kiosks almost three years ago and ended up gettign into 100k of debt. The first problem with this program is that the kiosks cost you anywhere from 12k-18k each. The next problem is that the movies to stock the machines aren't cheap. You don't pay much less than regular consumers maybe a $2-3 discount. Next, there are fees for everything, every credit card charge, refund, and adjustment you make. You have to pay the site a commission that has the machine and after all is said and done you are left with very little profit. Not to mention the DVD vendors are not allowed to ship new releases immediately because of a lawsuit with Redbox between Fox, Warner Brothers, and other stuidos so you are racing around the day they are released trying to stock your machines. Unless you are paying cash for your machine I do not recommend this. Customers lie and complain and damage movies and you are stuck holding the debt when this venture is done.
jensencoop08, the "overcharge" you are seeing isn't an actual charge. Like other companies, the dvd now kiosks place a pre-authorization hold on certain funds. This insures that the owner/operator gets somethings should the dvd not be returned. The kiosk will send an electronic notice to your bank and the pre-auth will be lifted 1-3 days after the movie is returned. Regards,
I have 4 S250 DVD Now Kiosks for sale. The Kiosks are less than a year old. Two of the kiosks have 32 inch monitors attached. Willing to sell for $5500 each Contact me if you are interested at or six one nine six seven five six zero zero seven
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